Senin, 29 Agustus 2011

Choosing Quality Shrimp Crackers/ Krupuk Udang (English)

There are 7 things to look for when choosing shrimp crackers:

1. Holes/ Breakage:  Krupuk Udang Windu is available in 3 distinct shapes: gondang, mede and kancing.  Different shape is usually served with different dishes.  The 3 shapes share something in common:  low occurrences of holes on the surface of the krupuk.  Holes make krupuk harder to fry.  Surfaces around holes in krupuk often turn brownish, hard and bitter when fried.

2. Color:  Uncooked Krupuk Udang Windu doesn't appear dull.  Dull color indicates low quality flour used in production.  Krupuk udang Windu is made with the highest quality flour ensuring appetizing attractive appearance.

3. Moisture Content Level:  Shrimp crackers with high level of moisture content is prone to mold and will not expand when fried.  A simple test for moisture content level is to break uncooked krupuk to hear a "crunch" sound.

4. Texture:  High quality shrimp crackers, like Krupuk Udang Windu, has distinct shrimp texture all over the surface when seen under sunlight.  Full-textured shrimp crackers indicate high protein content.

5. Smell:  Krupuk Udang Windu has fresh shrimp smell indicating usage of the best raw material.

6. Expansion (when fried):  Krupuk Udang Windu will double or triple (or even more) in size when fried.  The best materials and processes make for the best finished products.  Shrimp crackers that do not expand in size when fried are usually hard and not crunchy.

7. Taste.  High quality shrimp crackers taste deliciously just right.  High quality shrimp crackers make every dish special.  They are really good to eat on their own too.

To purchase high quality shrimp crackers, Krupuk Udang Windu can be found all over traditional markets in Jakarta or visit

1 komentar:

  1. I've been trying many times now to make my own, using different amounts of tapioca, steaming them between 1 and 2.5 hours and leaving them to dry at 80 degrees inbetween 10 and 15 hours, and slicing them as thin as possible to even about a milimeter thick. But none of them expands, they grow only like 10% in size and stay hard.

    Is it the flower, is it the shrimps? Is it the process? what's the decing factor here?
